First Nations Storytellers

Dave Smith, of Metepenagiag Miꞌkmaq First Nation, has 20+ years of experience in customer service. He is passionate about regenerative ecology and reclaiming his culture through learning and sharing with you one of his experiences.

Dave’s “two-eyed seeing” approach allows him to see both sides of the relationship between Canada and his people and he has a passion to learn as much as he can to help facilitate better relationships between the two Nations as well as reclaim his own culture.  A self-motivator, he feels at home in nature and spends a lot of his time researching and learning about regenerative ecology.  He believes he is a steward of nature and is always looking for technologies and ideologies that further this.

This unique position affords him a point of view that allows him to share his culture and its history from an understanding that is uncommon.  Dave is passionate about reclaiming his culture and sharing it with you.

Providing authentic Indigenous experiences in the Greater Saint John area to help foster an understanding of Indigenous culture through storytelling.




First Nations Tourism